A group of young men dare a classmate to reach the porch of a legendary old house, said to be haunted by the thirteen victims of a family massacre. In hopes of making a viral video they arm him with a video camera to prove he was there or to capture him fleeing in terror before even reaching the house, as others have. When he doesnt return, the guys must go in to get him. Inside they discover the truth about the house, the fate of their friend and their own fate as well.
发布时间:2024-10-16 22:20她的怙恃来看亲家,成果退休无聊的音乐界的父亲发现亲家男主人居然有好嗓子,因而希奇怪僻的弄出了古典洗澡讴歌艺术;乡间小处所带着老婆来罗马投奔亲人的小夫妻,男的不测的跟一个妓女往见了家人,女的则稀里糊涂的跟年夜明星,进而跟年夜响马说不清算还乱了一番;还有稀里糊涂成了名人的人员;跟女友的老友心生情素的文艺男青年,哦,这个看上往挺俗套,可是这个进程中一向有个鬼魂一般在他们身边飘来荡往的老汉子就纷歧般了吧。